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Termites maintain their most basic source of communication by secreting a chemical called pheromone. Each pheromone they produce or detect from an intruder, triggers an alarm in the colony to take a particular course of action.


The workers and soldiers (protectors of the colony) are wingless and dirty white.

The swarmers (reproductives) are darker, and have four wings. The wings are of the same length and are whitish.


The middle section of the body, called the abdomen, is closely connected to the bottom end called the thorax; making the thick waist not visible. They have no eyes and straight antennae.


What are the different types of termites?

Termites are divided into four (4) groups. Subterranean termites (the most destructive); drywood termites, dampwood termites and powder post termites.


What purpose do they serve?

Termites are beneficial insects to the environment for several reasons.

For example, they feed on dead wood and any other organic material that contains cellulous, and convert this into hummus.

Hummus is brown or black organic substance that consists of decayed matter that provide nutrients for plants and increases water-retention in the soil. Consequently, being beneficial to not only the land and it's plants, but for animals as well.


How do I know I have termites and how do I get rid of them?

Although termites are beneficial to the environment; they are very destructive to your home and/or business. Termites cause millions of dollars in damage each year.

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